One of my fave podcasts, The Cinematologists, recently celebrated its 100th episode.
I've been a fan from the outset enjoying both the episodes built around a single film, and the bonus episodes. All episodes feature an intro with hosts Dr Dario Llinares (@dariodoublel) & Dr Neil Fox (@drneilfox) enjoying a wide-ranging catch-up of recent films watched, as well as conversations around the nature of podcasts, film study etc.

I was delighted when they asked me to introduce and discuss the 25th anniversary screening of Jane Campion's The Piano with Neil at the Poly in Falmouth.
I reminisce about this visit in my contribution to the 100th episode, which you can listen to here.
A few weeks later Dario visited University of Chichester (where I used to teach) to host a screening of Her. Sadly I couldn't join them, but my mum did. And she asked a question. Listen here.

For my contribution to the 100th, Neil and Dario asked me to recommend an episode, I picked one of the bonus one. One where Alex Barrett discusses his crowdsourced 'silent film' - London Symphony. You can listen to it here.
And find out more about Alex Barret's incredible film 'London Symphony' here.

I didn't get the chance to mention another episode I enjoyed, Melody Bridges editor of Silent Women: Pioneers of Film, discussing Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation, listen here.
Here's to the next 100!