And so the 5th Femme Film Festival is over for another year, but don't worry you can still view many of the shorts, and catch up on news, reviews and interviews about the 35 short films and 24 feature films that were curated by Robin Write of Filmotomy on their website.
You can read my mini-reviews of all 59 films here and also head on over to twitter and check out #FemmeFilmFest20.
I was honoured to have been asked to be a Jury Member for the 20 Compeition Selection short films, details of those that made the Roll of Honour here.
Haven't got time to watch all 35 short films?
Then here's my Top Ten Short Films from across the Competition and Showcase Seections, that are available to watch on vimeo.
El Mago Georges d. Katalin Egely (4 mins)
The Get d. Kelsie Moore (2 mins)
Another Place d. Anna Radchenko/Jeremy Schaulin-Rioux (4 mins)
Raging Cult d. Meagan Adele Lopez (17 mins)
Girl in the Hallway d. Valerie Barnhart (10 mins)
Olympia d. Giulia Achenza (12 mins)
Foyer aka Hearth d. Sophie B. Jacques (11 mins)
Welcome Home d. Armita Keyani (16 mins)
Long Time Listener, First TimeCaller d. Nora Kirkpatrick (17 mins)
The Gray Area d. Kelsie Moore (18 mins)
I also loved Home d. Anita Bruvere (8 mins).
The full film is not available, but do have a look at Bruvere's showreel in which it is featured. Check out her vimeo for other work.